Learn with Genesis Ebook 7.0

The Poor Don’t Write Books Why?

LearnwithGenesis Ebook 7.0
LearnwithGenesis Ebook 7.0

Have you ever wondered why the poor don’t write books, and any poor person who eventually writes a book leaves poverty almost immediately?

Why on earth do rich people always INK THEIR LIVE EXPERIENCES and give their opinions in materials than just talking?

Again, why is it important to know, why should this concern EVERYBODY? 

Because if you know how poor life is, and you don’t want to be poor, I think you will simply avoid such a life. 

And funny enough, as simple as knowing that the rich write book to share their ideas, you start doing some EVEN IF YOU ARE LIVING BELOW N500! DAILY!

And while the poor simply complain about Bill Gates writing a book which he launched recently, you are fascinated and humbled to always keep yourself actively doing something of relevance than just sleeping and doing nothing when you make millions.

I will give you 5 strong reasons why the rich share through writing, videos, and consistent sellable content.

Please, it is my closing hour at the office, I will continue this interesting topic tomorrow. 

Why not share with me what you think the reasons are? I will love to hear from you.

Stay Strong.

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